LIA Cast 171 - Minimum Viable Thing

We've talked before about prototyping projects and looking for the minimum viable thing you can ship. But what how does our thinking change when we consider what your users or audience finds desirable? What if you and your audience value different things about your project?

In this episode we revisit the topic of "minimum viable thing" with an emphasis on the audience's point of view.

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LIA Cast 170 - Spreading the Word About Your Project

Spreading awareness of what we do: something we as artists and creators of various sorts deal with very often.

You make something, you naturally want to see it in the hands of an audience that resonates with it and values it. How do you find this fit? How do you grow it when you find it?

In this episode of the Lean Into Art Cast Jerzy and Rob will be exploring goals around promoting our work.

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LIA Cast 169 - 2006 vs 2016

At some point in a creative journey you’ll have a professional decade to look back on.

What work did we do? What did we complete? What challenges faced us? What outcomes did we desire, and which ones did we find? What was rewarding? What was effort better spent elsewhere?

Join us for a discussion on how we’re thinking about the past decade to help us chart our creative paths in the coming new year.

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LIA Cast 168 - Idea Generating Warm-ups

In this episode of the Lean Into Art Cast, Jerzy and Rob explore warming up visually for generating ideas. We’ll walk through and practice, a generative approach that’s a bit of prompting and bit of randomness that works both solo and in groups. Then we’ll explore more about the why, when, and how of this sort of generative practice exercise.

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LIA Cast 167 - Sketching to Think

How does sketching or doodling our ideas change the way we think about and/or express them?

In this episode of the Lean Into Art Cast, Rob and Jerzy provide each other with prompts that the other draw live on the show. You can play along by sketching to the prompt and sharing them on Twitter with the #sketchtothink tag!

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