LIA Cast 124 - Asking Tough Creative Project Questions, with David Seah and Kate Shields Stenzinger

Asking ourselves tough questions about our creative projects on the LIA Cast!

As rewarding it is to make things that are of service to others, the path to developing and shipping the thing is littered with challenges and questions. Two tough questions, when it comes to your projects: - How much of yourself do you give away? - How you want to provide a service vs. how people need the help?

We're thrilled to have Dave Seah back on the show to help us navigate the tough questions that one confronts when making things.

We'll also be joined by special guest co-host Kate Shields Stenzinger!

Links Mentioned

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LIA Cast 123 - Reading, Watching, Playing

What are we doing when we’re not making stuff and hustling to make stuff?

Whether it’s entertaining, educational, or both - it helps to soak in interesting things to enrich the mine of experience we delve into when we make things.

Join us for a discussion on the things that provide fuel for the things we make--what we're reading, watching, and playing.

Links Mentioned

Connect with Jerzy and Rob

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LIA Cast 122 - Creative Work and Business, with Tyler James

Talking about creative work and business on the Lean Into Art Cast!

We all know how much work goes into just making a project. But if you want the project to be sustainable get ready to open up some bandwidth for Marketing, Business Development, and Operations. How do jump back and forth between all of these roles? Is thinking about business puzzles just something that artists kind of stink at?

We're be joined by comics creator, publisher, and instructor Tyler James of ComixTribe, who will help us understand the how the creative thinking you're applying to your project can also be used to develop your business.

Links Mentioned

Connect with Jerzy and Rob

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LIA Cast 121 - Visual Novels, with Kasey Van Hise

Talking about interactive storytelling on the LIA Cast!

We've talked about interactive storytelling in the form of games, and we've spent plenty of episodes exploring the storytelling affordances of comics. But this time we're joined by Kasey Van Hise for an exploration of another kind of interactive fiction--the Visual Novel.

How does your writing and design approach change when you're creating something that's meant to be interactive? How does character development work when you have to consider every possible path of development? How does your thinking about plot change when considering reader decision points?

Kasey Van Hise, writer of the Hustle Cat visual novel, helps us navigate these concerns and offer tips on writing a visual novel of your own.

Links mentioned:

Connect with Jerzy and Rob

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LIA Cast 120 - Spotting Your Balloons, with Zack Giallongo

Talking about the visual, narrative, and rhythmic nature of comics lettering on the Lean Into Art Cast!

Lettering used to be a specialized position in the comics industry. Thanks to software like Photoshop, Illustrator, and Manga Studio the tools of the professional letterer are now available to anyone. Are the tools enough to make one's lettering look professional, though? How does the work change when we think about lettering as yet another design tool in our visual communication toolbox? How does thinking about the visual, narrative, and rhythmic nature of sound elements lead us to more intentional choices on the page?

We'll be joined by Zack Giallongo, the cartoonist behind Broxo, Ewoks: Shadows of Endor, and The Stratford Zoo Midnight Review, for a discussion on making more design-oriented choices in lettering our comics.

Links mentioned:

Connect with Jerzy and Rob

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