LIA Cast 199 - Everyday Carry

Do you have a creative kit that you never leave home without? If so, what kinds of tools go in that container? How does examining the stuff you plan on making, transportation, location, and ergonomics figure in? What kind of bag/backpack/sling do you choose, and how do you organize the tools within?

Join Jerzy and Rob for an exploration of assembling your creative travel kit.

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LIA Cast 198 - Using the Hero’s Journey via Interpreting and Improvising

Rob and Jerzy are back from seeing some superhero movies and have story structure on the mind. Join us for a discussion on some resources we’ve been reading concerning story structure and the hero’s journey, followed by an improvisational exercise where we’ll try to hang up a story outline on that structure live.

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LIA Cast 197 - How Do You Know if You're Established?

Making stuff is challenging and expensive work. There are monetary, time, and emotional costs to pursuing creative endeavors. Knowing this, we can accept it as natural that we might feel some frustration when we see others in our field achieve status and success with an apparent ease. What do they got that you don’t got? How is it that they won and you lost? Why is it so easy for them and not for you? When is it your turn to be established?

Join us for a discussion on navigating a creative career and how mindset can affect the choices one makes on their journey.

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LIA Cast 196 - Unpacking a Big Learning Experience

Learning, relating to the process of learning, feeding that into making new things… that’s familiar territory for all of us Leaners. Being fortunate to have attended EYEO a few times, four total now, Rob has some thoughts and experiences to unpack and share.

In this episode of the Lean Into Art Cast, Jerzy and Rob will explore a sort of EYEO reflection plus dig into what is it about that community that seems like a useful set of signals to look for in other learning/teaching communities.

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LIA Cast 195 - Sketchbook Summer

Art challenges can be a fun way to discover some new capacity and motivation, level up or stay in shape, and maybe make some new connections in your field. They can also be a taxing commitment to cram into an already busy schedule!

This time Jerzy talks with Brandon Dayton and Matthew Armstrong, co-creators of Sketchbook Summer, a new art challenge in which participants are invited to try to fill an entire sketchbook in 30 days. How is sketching different from other forms of drawing? Are there any practical benefits to this challenge?

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